Guarantees for SMEs

With guarantees (also known as sureties) from ProNoblis, you as a corporate customer receive a surety or guarantee quickly, securely and around the clock.

This not only relieves you of the burden of utilising credit lines at your house bank, thanks to our strong partner Allianz Trade you also strengthen the trust of your business partners

Guarantees for SMEs

Online application route - available around the clock

Personalised advice and a product range tailored to your individual needs

ProNoblis offers SMEs a guarantee or surety around the clock.

We offer you uncomplicated online processing of your enquiry, but can also provide you with consultancy and individual customisation.

Avale by ProNoblis - powered by Allianz Trade

As an SME financier, we are expanding our product portfolio and broadening our range of financing products.

ProNoblis offers unbeatably fast and reliable support for guarantees, warranties and sureties. For example:

  • Rent deposits
  • Warranty guarantees
  • Contract fulfilment guarantees
  • Advance payment guarantees
  • Bidding guarantees

You have the following advantages:

  • Release of liquidity within the company
  • Relief from credit lines
  • Create trust in your business relationships

On the background to sureties and guarantees:

Sensible and often even mandatory: Guarantees strengthen every business relationship. The guarantee gives your client the certainty that you will fulfil your contractual obligations. Do you need guarantees for your clients? We are the perfect partner for you. We will be happy to issue the necessary documents for you and can also easily fulfil individual requirements. In addition to guarantees, ProNoblis has also been offering goods purchase financing .

At our Locations throughout Germany you will find competent contacts who will be happy to support you with corporate financing.

Frequently asked questions about guarantees

What is a guarantee?

The term aval describes guarantees and sureties. The name comes from the Italian word "avallo" which means surety. An aval is used when party A has to prove to party B that obligations can be met.

How do guarantees work?

Avals are guarantees that a party gives to a contractual partner to secure the fulfilment of an obligation. They serve as security for payments or services and are issued by banks or insurance companies. In the event of a default by the debtor, the guarantor steps in and assumes the obligation. Guarantees can occur in many business areas, especially in international trade. They enable companies to build trust and minimise risks by securing the fulfilment of contracts.

For which companies does ProNoblis offer guarantees?

Our product range is aimed at tradespeople, corporations and partnerships - in other words, all types of companies and entrepreneurs.

What are the advantages of a rental deposit guarantee from ProNoblis?

Your liquidity or credit line is not burdened by the rental deposit. You receive financial start-up assistance for your new rental property.

How and when can I obtain a guarantee?

With ProNoblis, you are guaranteed to receive a response to your enquiry within 24 hours.

Can I obtain a rental guarantee from ProNoblis?

Yes, you can also obtain a rental guarantee from ProNoblis. The guarantee is an alternative to the classic rental deposit. Our partner Allianz-Trade acts as guarantor towards your landlord.

Does ProNoblis also offer guarantees for start-ups?

ProNoblis also offers guarantees for young companies and start-ups. A credit check is carried out.  

With which partners does ProNoblis offer guarantees?

The guarantees are brokered by ProNoblis. Expert advice on the product is provided by our partner agency Anders & Noy OHG in Berlin. 

The guarantees are issued by Allianz-Trade (formerly Euler Hermes). 

Our strong partners

Allianz Generalvertretung
Anders und Noy OHG
Zeltinger Straße 29
13465 Berlin


Allianz Generalvertretung Anders & Noy OHG

Allianz Trade
Euler Hermes Deutschland Niederlassung der Euler Hermes SA
Gasstraße 29
22761 Hamburg
040/88 34-0

Allianz Trade